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Faculty Resources 2020-10-26T12:18:05+00:00

Faculty Resources

Highline College Writing Center Faculty ResourcesWhat the Writing Center Can Do For You

At the Writing Center, we help create better writers, not just better papers. In our peer tutoring sessions, we mentor students through their writing processes, and through peer conversation, we help them strengthen their writing choices and abilities. The peer writing tutor cannot know exactly what the writer must do in every context; rather the tutor acts as a sounding board, engages the writer in active thinking, and provides options and resources. View our FAQ page for more information.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Do you teach classes that are not officially “writing classes” but that rely on writing for teaching and learning? All of our tutors are trained to work with writing across the curriculum, but for more information on how we balance this with “specializing,” or if you would like to recommend a student writer from your area to work in the writing center, contact Shon Meckfessel. See our Writing Associates page for general information.

Peer Review Workshops

Do you have your students review each other’s drafts? Email the Writing Center to book this 50-minute classroom workshop for training in how they can provide useful feedback without being experts.

Assignment Consultations

Wondering how students read your assignments? Want a trial run on a new assignment to see how students might respond to it? Our tutors work with assignments from a variety of instructors and classes on a daily basis, so they can offer a unique student perspective to help develop your work. For more information or to schedule an assignment consultation, email the Writing Center or Shon Meckfessel.

How to Recommend Students to Work in the Writing Center

For information on the qualifications we look for in tutors, view our employment page. To recommend a student for a position as a peer writing tutor, contact Shon Meckfessel.