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Top Handouts

Here are our most frequently used handouts.


MLA In Text Citations

When writing sometimes we need a quick and simple reference to go to when we have a question or when we’re stuck. In-text citations are no exception, especially since there’s a specific way you have to write them for certain situations. Perhaps, there isn’t an author or there’s no date and author. Whatever it is, this handout will be a short guide to understanding MLA in-text citations.

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MLA Library Guide

We understand that being able to cite correctly is very important when you’re using outside sources. This is the main reason why the MLA and APA Library Guides are easily some of our top used handouts. With multiple pages of example citations for different kinds of sources, it’s a great detailed guide to understanding MLA citations.

Download MLA Library Guide

APA In-Text Citation

When writing sometimes we need a simple and quick reference to go to when we have a question or when we’re stuck. In-text citations are no exception, especially since there’s a specific way you have to write them for certain situations. Perhaps, there isn’t an author or there’s no date and author. Whatever it is, this handout will be a short guide to understanding APA in-text citations.

Download APA In-Text Citations

APA Library Guide

We understand that being able to cite correctly is very important when you’re using outside sources. This is the main reason why the APA and MLA Library Guides are easily some of our top used handouts. With multiple pages of example citations for different kinds of sources, it’s a great detailed guide to understanding APA citations.

Download APA Library Guide

Parts of an Essay

Developing an Outline

While it seems like an annoying step, creating an outline can save you the time trying to reorganize your paper later. By writing down the ideas you want to include for each section or paragraph, it can help give your paper structure when you’re writing it. Sometimes we have so many thoughts, ideas, or potential sources to include we need some way to organize it all. This version of an outline was created for that purpose and for you to use.

Download Developing an Outline

The Art of Introduction

Even after creating an outline or some kind of brainstorming, and you know what you want to write about. How do start writing? Introductions are a challenging stepping stone for papers. It can be easy to be overwhelmed and stuck on what to do and how you should do it. This handout was made to try and solve this problem. It introduces many different kinds of ways you can do an introduction along with providing examples.

Download The Art of Introduction

Thesis Statements

Have you ever struggled with finding the best way to state the purpose of your essay? Do you worry that the type of essay you are writing requires a slightly different thesis format? This handout will explain the basics of three types of thesis- Argumentative, Explanatory, and –  Analytical.

Download Thesis Statements

Body Paragraph Structures

Do you struggle with structuring your thoughts into concise paragraphs? This handout will show you a simple format to put your thoughts and ideas into! This handout will also provide an example of the format, and how the body paragraph connects to the example thesis.

Download Body Paragraph Structures


Often we hear that papers need to flow smoothly and ideas need to be clearly presented, but what does that mean exactly? Transitions. Sometimes in the case of wording, a paper just needs some transition words to bridge the gap in between sentences or new ideas. Even so, there are so many different transition words and they have their own usages. This handout will help with understanding  how to use transitions.

Download Transitions


So this is the end of the paper, well not quite. If introductions were an annoying obstacle you can expect the same from conclusions. You may be eager to quickly finish the conclusion, but it’s the last chance you get to fully wrap up your ideas and communicate to your audience your point and why it’s valid or important. It’s easy to get writer’s block as well. This handout provides the tips to how you can overcome this issue.

Download Conclusions

Specific Projects 

Personal Essay

Are you writing a Personal Essay for college, scholarship, or job applications? This worksheet will walk you through the basics of how to format and write your Personal Essay!

Download Personal Essay

Resume And Cover Letter

Are you working on a Resume or Cover letter? Are you struggling with formatting and thinking about what to include? This handout will show you how to format your Resume / Cover letter in a general format!

Download Resume and Cover Letter

Grammar, Punctuation and Sentence Structure 


Let’s face it, grammar isn’t an easy thing understand and one of the hardest grammar details are articles. When do we use them and which one do we use? Sometimes the answer to this question can be hard to explain, even for us writing consultants. This handout on articles is a quick reference to this matter and will show when to use one article over another.

Download Articles

Commonly Confused Words

This handout walks you through some of the most commonly confused words in the english language.

Download Commonly Confused Words

Common Irregular Verbs 

Irregular Verbs can be tricky! This handout will help you through some of the most common irregular verbs used! This includes the present, past, future, and  past participle of each common irregular verb.

Download Common Irregular Verbs

Colons, Semi-colons and Dashes

Sometimes punctuation is overlooked in the writing process when we’re so focused on making sure we’re meeting the assignment guidelines. But it’s worth to pay attention to so that you don’t accidentally end up making run-on sentences. Punctuation can also change how we read something, especially in dialogue for creative writing. This handout, is just a snippet of three kinds of punctuation that you can use in your writing and whether you’re using them correctly.

Download Colons, Semi-colons and Dashes







If you think of any other handouts that could be helpful, feel free to contact us.