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Goals and Objectives

Home/Writing Center Tutor Handbook/Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives 2020-10-28T12:11:29+00:00

Writing Center Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To create an open and welcoming community that values diversity and equity.

The Writing Center will cultivate an open and welcoming community in the way we speak and interact with each other and with writers.
The Writing Center will provide equitable services to all Highline students, staff, and faculty according to individual needs, free of judgment.

Goal 2: To encourage growth and self-confidence in writing.

Writing Center staff will use compassionate and empowering language.
Writing Center staff will listen actively to the needs of writers and validate their concerns.
Writing Center staff will encourage writers to seek support.

Goal 3: To create a positive mutual learning environment.

The Writing Center will maintain a spirit of respectful and enthusiastic collaboration.
Writing Center staff will see its diversity as an advantage rather than an obstacle and will value the voices of all.
The Writing Center will foster engagement and co-learning between tutors, student writers, and faculty at all times.

Goal 4: To meet the needs of each student.

The Writing Center will recognize that each writer has unique needs and will strive to meet those needs through our services and/or referral to appropriate services.
The Writing Center will welcome all writers regardless of their levels of physical or intellectual ability, preparation, or English fluency.
The Writing Center will provide services and technology to accommodate those with physical or learning disabilities.
The Writing Center will maintain knowledge of and adapt to current technology, recognizing the changing technological needs of students.

Goal 5: To develop ethical, responsible, and competent consultants.

The Writing Center will provide continued leadership and professional development opportunities to its tutors.
The Writing Center will have goals and philosophies that are clearly understood by writers, faculty, staff, and tutors.
The Writing Center will have clearly stated, consistent, and ethical principles to guide our practice.
Writing Center staff will seek to educate first ourselves and then others about matters related to equity and social justice.