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Absent and Late Policies

Absent and Late Policies 2020-10-28T12:33:57+00:00

Writing Center Absent and Late Policies

Late Policy

  • Call the front desk if you think you will be late.
  • When you have a session, you’re considered late after three minutes.
  • When you don’t have a session, you’re considered late after seven minutes.
  • Late arrivals need to be written in the FDA log.
  • If you are late more than three times, your schedule will be blocked off until you talk to Kiera or Shon to make adjustments to your schedule.

Absence Policy

We’re generally pretty flexible about taking time off, but this is still a job. You have coworkers and writers  that rely on you to be there on time for your shift. Respect them by taking minimal time off.

Unplanned absences/emergencies/illness

  1. Call the front desk (206-592-4364) before you do anything else. They’re the ones who need to know first. Ask for the shift supervisor. If the shift supervisor is not available, tell them your name, that you work in the Writing Center, and that you will be late or absent. Always tell them who you are. Do not assume they recognize your voice.
  2. Email Kiera (kgolden@highline.edu)and Shon (smeckfessel@highline.edu), to let them know you’re going to miss your shift. Please email all three, not just one person.
  3. Block yourself off.
  4. If you have a session, immediately tell the shift supervisor so they can move it to another tutor.

Planned or expected absences

  1. Email Kiera and Shon at least a week before your planned absence and ask for permission to be absent. Most of the time, the answer is yes, but you shouldn’t assume it will be yes.
  2. If you receive permission, email the WC Staff email group and request coverage for the dates and times you’ll be gone. Others may claim all or part of your missed shifts.
  3. Kiera will make a placeholder for you.

When it’s okay to ask for time off

For school-related absences (only with one week notice)
  • When you have a scheduled, unavoidable school event such as SATs.
  • When you have the opportunity to attend an extra credit event or seminar that will benefit you as a student.
  • When you have scheduled high school meetings or events (at least three days ahead).
  • When you know you have deadlines (such as college applications, finals, portfolio shows, etc.) you need to work toward, you may take extended time off. Let us know as soon as possible so we can adjust your schedule.
  • When you have a meeting with your academic advisor (at least three days ahead).
For non-school related absences (inform us as soon as you know)
  • When you have a doctor’s appointment you can’t schedule around work.
  • When you have a family or life event outside your control.

Missing class meetings

  • Tutors may miss two meetings per quarter. This includes missing for illness or emergencies.
  • Associate Leads may miss three meetings per quarter, including missing for illness or emergencies.
  • If you take extended time off for school-related purposes, you are still expected to come to the Friday meeting.

Other important policies

  • You can always reduce your hours if you become overwhelmed with school or life stuff.
  • Chronic lateness or absences will result in significant loss of points for English 199/299 and a reduction of your hours. If lateness and/or absence continue, especially without clear communication with Shon and Kiera, you can no longer work with us.
  • If you need to be absent, you must communicate with us. One no-call, no-show absence will be your first and last. Your schedule will be blocked off until you talk to Kiera . If it happens again, you can no longer work with us.

Coverage in case of unexpected absences

  • If a tutor is unable to come to work or are late, and they have a session, any available tutor who is on the clock may take over that session.
  • The FDA should take a session only if there are no tutors available on the clock. In this case, all tutors should keep an eye on the front desk.
  • As a last resort, if there is literally no one else to take the session, apologize to the writer, cancel the session, and offer an extra bonus session. Make an administrative note on the account that says they are allowed a second bonus session in addition to their regular two hours per week. (Every writer is allowed one bonus session; this will be another one.)

More details on placeholders

  • Kiera will make placeholders for planned or expected missed shifts.
  • Always leave a note on placeholders that gives the reason for the placeholder, whether it’s illness, class visits, committee work, etc.
  • Tutors doing workshops or committee work will generally not make their own placeholders unless they are committee chairs or associate leads.